The Animals of 102 ZOO
(left to right) myself, Stu (The Pinhead) Lyons, Mark Allen, Mike Anthony, Doc Thompson, Don Snyder. Years after many of the original 102ZOO on-air animals were no longer in the business, we were able to have a reunion dinner at the Ashtabula Ruby Tuesdays…also no longer in business.
Mid-day Air Personality (DJ)
Production Director (2ndx)
Air name: Thomas G. Raffe
Jan 1989 – Jan 1990
Dec 1993 – Aug 1995
I left the first time to advance my career in a larger market (WRKT in Erie). I left the second time because I needed to move to Kent in order to finish my degree in Public Relations which I had started at the KSU Ashtabula Campus in 1994.
Click on any of the images below to hear audio captured from those categories.
I will be adding to each section as I convert more cassette and reel-to-reel tapes to a digital format.
A unique group of misfits like I’ve never been around before or after. I did Mid-days as Thomas G. Raffe (Get it? Not many did right away.) Most of us were young veterans (between 5-10 years in the business). A couple were raw rookies. Many of us became life-long friends. We meshed and the listeners loved us. Some are still in radio. A few, like myself have been long gone from the industry. Two have died. You can see and share stories at the 102 ZOO Facebook Page.